Understanding the Basic Components of Auto Insurance

Entering the realm of auto insurance for the first time can be demanding. However, once you understand the fundamentals, deciding on appropriate coverage for your vehicle in Brighton, MI, becomes straightforward. Halabicky Insurance Group is here to help you comprehend what type of coverage is required and which ones you might want to consider.

Understanding Mandatory Insurance Coverage

In accordance with Michigan state law, drivers must have minimum insurance coverage in various categories: Personal Injury Protection (PIP), Property Protection Insurance (PPI), Bodily Injury Liability (BI), and Property Damage (PD).

Notably, Bodily Injury Liability requires coverage of a minimum of $250,000 per individual and $500,000 per accident for medical expenses if you are found at fault in an accident causing injury to others.

PIP offers reimbursement for injury-related expenses and lost wages. It also covers damage to stationary vehicles and tangible property within the state. Meanwhile, PD coverage safeguards you in case you cause damage to another party’s vehicle outside of Michigan.

Considering Additional Coverage

You may wish to include additional coverage in your policy depending on your circumstances. Comprehensive coverage addresses risks such as theft or damage caused by incidents other than a collision. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) coverage covers medical and other costs when a driver with insufficient or no insurance coverage hits you.

Halabicky Insurance Group recommends opting for auto insurance with more coverage than state-mandated minimums. Our agents can assist you in deciding what coverage is best suited for your budget and help negotiate coverage amounts that will protect you, both in Brighton, MI, and beyond.

Don’t let auto insurance be daunting. Reach out to us today to set up an appointment.

Four features you’ll definitely want to have on your auto insurance policy

Auto insurance policies in Brighton, MI can include a lot of great features that you might not yet be aware of. At Halabicky Insurance Group, we can provide you with an insurance policy that includes the features you want and need.

Here are four features you’ll definitely want to have on your auto insurance policy:


Taking advantage of autopay is a great idea if you’re worried that you’ll forget to make an auto insurance payment. With this great feature, premium payments are automatically charged to your credit or debit card when they’re due. 

Rental reimbursement

Getting in a bad accident is stressful enough. You don’t want to have to worry about finding alternative transportation when this happens.

With rental reimbursement, your auto insurance will cover the costs of renting a vehicle while your damaged vehicle is in the shop for repairs after an accident. 

Full coverage for glass repair and replacement

Most motorists experience damage to their windshield at some point. Not all auto insurance policies automatically cover the costs of auto glass repair and replacement.

You should read the fine print of your policy and make sure that it includes auto glass coverage so that you don’t have to pay out of pocket to fix a damaged windshield. 

Lockout coverage

Few things are more frustrating than getting locked out of your car. If this has happened to you before, you should already know how expensive locksmith services can be.

With lockout coverage, you can get locksmith service costs covered by your auto insurance if you get locked out of your vehicle.

Reach Out To Us

Contact us online or by phone at Halabicky Insurance Group if you’re in the market for auto insurance in Brighton, MI. We’ll give you a quote on a policy that can include these great features. 

Required Auto Insurance in Michigan

If you’re a Michigan driver, you’re required to have auto insurance for every vehicle you own. You need to have proof of your insurance coverage in the vehicle to show to police officers upon request. Not having the required auto coverage can leave you vulnerable to fees and fines. If you need auto insurance in Michigan, call us at Halabicky Insurance Group in Brighton, MI. 

Liability Coverage

Your coverage in the state must have at least a specific amount of coverage for each person who is injured. The policy must also have an amount for everyone who is injured in the accident. Then, there is an amount required for property damage. This is liability coverage though, and pays for someone else’s property damage. It can also pay for a legal defense for you if you get sued for the accident.

No-Fault Insurance

The state is a no-fault insurance state. That means that the coverage you have will pay for your medical costs and lost wages after an accident and even funeral costs if necessary. However, the property damage liability coverage won’t pay for the cost of damage to your property. For that coverage, you need to add collision coverage to your policy. This helps to keep you covered when there is damage to your vehicle from an accident. You may also want comprehensive coverage for the things that can happen to be in your vehicle while you aren’t driving it. 

Get Your Insurance in Michigan

If you’re buying a vehicle or you want to change your existing insurance to a new company, we can help. We are happy to tell you more about this insurance and help get you started with a policy of your own. To find out more, call us at Halabicky Insurance Group in Brighton, MI.